
The Good Samaritan app


One of the problems in reducing deaths from sudden cardiac arrest is identifying the closest trained responder. We believe that CFR teams linked to the National Ambulance Service control room are the most effective way of doing this. However, every initiative which increases access to CPR and defibrillation has the potential to make a difference.

The GoodSAM app uses smartphone technology to identify trained responders close to a medical emergency, such as a cardiac arrest. It is the electronic equivalent of shouting for help.

GoodSAM has been developed on a not for profit basis and the developers have kindly given CFR Ireland access to the app as a region.

This will allow us to collate a critical mass of trained lifesavers in Ireland.

Ultimately the app will have the potential to identify different levels of responder such as: CFR, EFR, EMT, Paramedic, Advanced Paramedic, Nurse, Doctor etc.

We believe it has huge potential; London Ambulance Service are considering integrating it into their dispatch system.

GoodSAM will not replace the current NAS dispatch system for CFR groups but it has the potential to enhance this. The first step is to build the critical mass of trained responders so we encourage everyone with CPR training to download the app and upload their certificate to the CFR Ireland domain on the app.