CFR Ireland

AED Register

CFR Ireland needs your help to formulate a National AED Register.

Every year in Ireland many people suffer a cardiac arrest caused by arrhythmias in the heart due to uncoordinated electrical impulses. These electrical impulses can be corrected with the use of an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) which delivers a shock to the heart to try and correct these arrhythmias.

A government report suggests that there are Approx 9000 AEDs in Ireland. Unfortunately many of these AEDs are not accessible due to poor storage and lack of signage. There is also an issue with AEDs not being maintained resulting in many of these units not being fit for purpose when they are used to treat a patient in cardiac arrest.

The aim of CFR Ireland with the assistance of the members from CFR Schemes, Voluntary Services, emergency services and members of the public is to locate as many AEDs as possible nationally. Once located the AED should be inspected and owners should be informed as to the condition and best location for storage as well as informing on how to use the AED should it be needed.

Once the AED is deemed fit for purpose and with permission of the owner we would like to register the AED. The process of registering an AED is simple, CLICK HERE and complete the online form which asks for basic information about the AED and its location.
When CFR Ireland has received the information and verifies the AED the information will be passed to the National Ambulance Service for upload to their Emergency Dispatch System so that when a member of the public calls for an ambulance in the event of a cardiac arrest the call taker will be able to direct the caller to their nearest AED therefore increasing the patients chances of survival.

This is a National initiative that requires the assistance of as many volunteers as possible actively seeking out AEDs in their community and registering them.

If you would like to assist and register AEDs in your community please contact us:

CFR Ireland





Number of Groups


Number of Volunteers


AED Registered

CFR Ireland


    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)